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Stage - Web Component

The Stage component can be used imported from:



The Web component uses the <z-stage> tag:

By default, all the parameters are optional or can be set in different, except for the ones marked as required

The parametrization of the component can be done with the following custom HTML params:

contentstringThe stage contentdefault
headerstringHeader of the stageheader
configstringConfiguration of the stage
image-srcstringURL of the image
image-altstringAlt text of the image
no-safe-spacebooleanWhether to use safe space
shapestringShape to use for the stage


This component has events. Check the documentation about how to use the events.



This component has slots. Check the documentation about how to use the slots.

defaultspanContent of the stage
headerspanHeader of the stage
actionsspanActions of the stage

Parameters use


The content attribute is inject the main quote or using the default slot:

Stage content

The header parameter is a string that defines the stage header or using the header slot.

Content goes here
Welcome to ZDS Content goes here


Content goes here

Or using a slotted z-shape. No need to set the :flip, it's automatically handled.

Content goes here


The config parameter is a string that defines the stage configuration. You can configure the alignment and the padding of the stage content.


The left modifier is used to align the stage content to the left.

Content goes here

The slim modifier is used to reduce the padding of the stage content.

Content goes here



The image-src parameter is a string that defines the stage image source for the safe-space.

Content goes here

You can also use the images from the Zurich media images. Make sure you specify correctly the name of the image you want to display.

Content goes here

We can also use the picture slot, even with GIF images:

Content goes here Content goes here


You can use the actions slot to add some extra interactive elements:

Lorem ipsum Click me



You can remove the SafeSpace using this flag:

Browser support

Detected engine:  

  • Chromium

  • Webkit

  • Gecko

HTML Examples

CodeSandbox example