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The skeleton component is used to indicate that a component is loading. It is a visual representation of the component's structure, without the actual content.

From Figma to code




Check everything about the customization mechanics in the "How it works" documentation.

CSS VariableTypeDescription
--z-skeleton--widthdistanceWidth of the skeleton
--z-skeleton--heightdistanceHeight of the skeleton
--z-skeleton--radiusdistanceRadius of the skeleton
--z-skeleton--timedistanceDuration of the animation
--z-skeleton--bg-1colorBackground color 1
--z-skeleton--bg-2colorBackground color 2

Both hight and width can be customized using the --z-skeleton--height and --z-skeleton--width CSS custom properties respectively.

Also, the radius of the skeleton can be customized using the --z-skeleton--radius CSS custom property. The time of the animation can be customized using the --z-skeleton--time CSS custom property.

And finally, you can customize both background colors using the --z-skeleton--bg-1 and --z-skeleton--bg-2 CSS custom properties.