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Chips are interactive elements consisting of a keyword or phrase that users can select among a series of given options. Chips allow adding information into a dropdown. Multiple chips can be selected at the same time and each can be dismissed individually.

UX/UI Guidelines

Check the design documentation of the component in ZeroHeight.

From Figma to code




Check everything about the customization mechanics in the "How it works" documentation.

CSS VariableTypeDescription
--z-chip--colorcolorForeground color
--z-chip--color--hovercolorForeground color on hover
--z-chip--color--activecolorForeground color on active
--z-chip--color--disabledcolorForeground color on disabled
--z-chip--bgcolorBackground color
--z-chip--bg--hovercolorBackground color on hover
--z-chip--bg--activecolorBackground color on active
--z-chip--bg--disabledcolorBackground color on disabled

Both background and text color can be customized using the --z-chip--bg and --z-chip--color CSS custom properties respectively.

Chip text

Also, the hover state & active state can be customized using the --z-chip--bg--hover,--z-chip--color--hover and --z-chip--bg--active, --z-chip--color--active CSS custom properties respectively.

Chip text

Finally, you can also customize the disabled state using the --z-chip--bg--disabled and --z-chip--color--disabled CSS custom properties respectively.

Chip text