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Tile 🟠 Not ready

The Tile component can be used imported from:




This component has slots. Check the documentation about how to use the slots.

defaultspanContent of the tile.
actionsspanActions of the promo
image-srcspanImage source of the tile.
headerspanHeader of the tile.

Parameters use

Check the documentation about how to use the parameters.


The content attribute is used to set the content of the article card or simply using the default slot.

Tile content

The header attribute is used to set the header of the article card.

We can also use the header slot:

Header text Tile content



The image-src parameter is used to define the image URL to be displayed inside article card.

You can also use the images from the Zurich media images. Make sure you specify correctly the name of the image you want to display.

Tile contentTile content

We can also use the image slot:

Tile content

Button / actions

We can use the actions slot for establishing custom actions inside the card:


Browser support

Detected engine:  

  • Chromium

  • Webkit

  • Gecko

HTML Examples

CodeSandbox example