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DateInput ⚠️ Experimental

The DateInput component can be used imported from:




The localization format of the input comes from the format settings of the client's operation system.

Common API

For the basics, check the common specifications.

The CSS component uses the <label> tag.


The z-date-input parameter is the main parameter used to render the date input component.


Apart from the date input type, you can also try the datetime-local , month or week input types.


Firefox and Safari do not support type="month" nor type="week". For type="datetime-local" both don't show a time picker natively.

Special uses

datetime-local workaround

Since Firefox and Safari do not fully support the datetime-local input type, we can use the DateInput and TimeInput components together to achieve almost the same result and then having independent controls:

Date time input

Browser support

Detected engine:  

  • Chromium

  • Webkit

  • Gecko

HTML Examples

CodeSandbox example