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EventListItem 🟠 Not ready

The EventListItem component can be used imported from:




This component has slots. Check the documentation about how to use the slots.

image-srcspanThe image of the event
defaultspanThe content of the empty state
headerspanThe title of the empty state
actionsspanActions of the event list item

Parameters use

Check the documentation about how to use the parameters.


The date attribute is used to display the date of the event. Make sure you use a valid date format.

The header attribute is used to display the title of the event.

Alternatively, you can use the header slot to display the event header.

Event Header


The content attribute is used to display a short description of the event.

Alternatively, you can use the default slot to display the event description.

Event description



The image-src attribute is used to set the image source of the profile in the list item.


The pictogram parameter is used to define the pictogram to be displayed inside action card. Make sure you specify correctly the name of the pictogram you want to display. Check the Pictogram component for the list of available pictograms.

If both image-src and pictogram are defined, the pictogram will be displayed.


The image-alt attribute is used to set the image alt of the profile in the list item.

Browser support

Detected engine:  

  • Chromium

  • Webkit

  • Gecko

HTML Examples

CodeSandbox example