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Alert ⚠️ Experimental

The Alert component can be used imported from:



The CSS component uses the div tag with an z-alert HTML custom attribute.


The z-alert parameter is the main parameter used to render the alert component.

Action card content

The default state of the alert is info. There are four states available: info, alert, negative, and positive.

Action card content

Action card content

Action card content


You can add a confirm button to the alert component, before the closebutton.

Action card content


Make sure to only use two buttons inside the z-alert component. First button it's used for interaction. Second button will render an X icon, the main goal of the second button is to close the alert.


The icon parameter is used to render an icon inside the alert component.

Action card content

Browser support

Detected engine:  

  • Chromium

  • Webkit

  • Gecko

HTML Examples

CodeSandbox example