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Text input - Web Component โ€‹

Browser support โ€‹

Detected engine: ย 

  • Chromium

  • Webkit

  • Gecko

Parameters โ€‹

The Web component uses the <z-text-input> tag:

By default, all the parameters are optional or can be set in different, except for the ones marked as required

The parametrization of the component can be done with the following custom HTML params:


The main parameter has two components following the pattern: <shape><?:size>.

  • shape: Establishes the styling of the input. Default value is line . Possible values are: shaped or line. ,
  • size: (optional) defines de size of the input. The default value is m, being omitted from the param. The possible values are: m or l.
labelstringLabel of the inputlabel
readonlybooleanTransforms the input into an output
valuestringValue of the model
disabledbooleanBlocks the interaction with the input component.
requiredbooleanMarks the input component as required.
namestringIdentification for the field inside the form
help-textstringThe forced message to be shown under the inputhelp-text
invalidbooleanThe forced state for set the input as invalid
input-typestring The type of input. Possible values are:
  • text: it will handle a single line of text.
  • tel: it will handle a telephone number.
  • email: it will handle an email address.
  • url: it will handle an URL.
data-liststringPresents a list of suggestions for the input. Values to be separated by comma.

The events emitted from the component are:

changestringReturns the new value of the "value" attribute
entervoidTriggered when "Enter" in pressed
restartedvoidEmitted on value reset

The available slots for the component are:


config โ€‹

The config parameter is used to set the shape of the input between lined and shaped. Being omitted will render the default line shape.

label โ€‹

The label parameter is used to set the text label of the component. Make sure you always use it.

readonly โ€‹

The readonly parameter is used to set the input in a read-only state. It's commonly used to display information.

value โ€‹

The value parameter is used to set the text for the input.

disabled โ€‹

The disabled parameter is used to block the interaction with the component. Not to be confused with readonly.

required โ€‹

The required parameter is used to set the component as required.

name โ€‹

The name parameter is used to set the name of the component. This is useful when the component is part of a form.

invalid โ€‹

The invalid parameter is used to set the component as invalid.

help-text โ€‹

The help-text parameter is used to provide additional assistance to the user.

input-type โ€‹

The input-type parameter is used to set the type of input. Possible values are: text, tel, email and url.

icon โ€‹

The icon parameter is used to set an icon to the input. The icon will be displayed on the right side of the input.

max-length โ€‹

The max-length parameter is used to set the maximum number of characters that the user can input. A counter will be displayed below the input.

data-list โ€‹

The data-list parameter is used to set a list of suggestions for the input. The list must be an array of strings.

Playground โ€‹

Customization โ€‹

HTML Examples โ€‹

StackBlitz example โ€‹