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Boolean icon - Web Component

Browser support

Detected engine:  

  • Chromium

  • Webkit

  • Gecko


The Web component uses the <z-boolean-icon> tag:

By default, all the parameters are optional or can be set in different, except for the ones marked as required

The parametrization of the component can be done with the following custom HTML params:


Icon set to be used as a checkbox. The possible values are: star, heart, bookmark, like, dislike, lock, unlock, mute, unmute, sound-on, sound-off, visible, or invisible

labelstringLabel of the inputlabel
valuebooleanValue of the model
checkedbooleanOverrides the "value" parameter as in the standard
invalid-textstringThe text to be shown when invalidinvalid-text
disabledbooleanBlocks the interaction with the input component.
requiredbooleanMarks the input component as required.
namestringIdentification for the field inside the form

The events emitted from the component are:

changebooleanReturns the new value of the "value" attribute
restartedvoidEmitted on value reset

The available slots for the component are:


Common API

For the basics, check the common specifications.


The config paramater requires the name of the icon set to be used as a checkbox. The possible values are:

star, heart, bookmark, like, dislike, lock, unlock, mute, unmute, sound-on, sound-off, visible or invisible.


The z-boolean-icon parameter accepts a label attribute to set the text label of the component.

value & checked

Both value and checked parameters are used to set the value of the component.


The attribute disabled will block the interaction with the component.

And with label:


The attribute required will set the component as required.


The attribute name will set the name of the component. This is useful when the component is part of a form.


The invalid-text attribute will set the component as invalid. Without label, the text won't be present but the boolean icon will still be invalid,

The color and the size of the icon can be customized using the --z-boolean-icon--color, --z-boolean-icon--color--off and --z-boolean-icon--size CSS custom properties.



HTML Examples

StackBlitz example