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Action card - Web Component โ€‹

Browser support โ€‹

Parameters โ€‹

The Web component uses the <z-action-card> tag:

The parametrization of the component can be done with the following custom HTML params:

image-srcstringThe image URL of the action card
tagsstring[]The tags of the action card
headerstringThe title of the action card
contentstringThe content of the action card
button-textstringThe text of the button
button-iconstringThe icon of the button
action-iconstringThe icon of the action

The events emitted from the component are:

onactionEventFired when the user clicks the action icon

image-src โ€‹

The image-src parameter is used to define the image URL to be displayed inside action card.

You can also use the images from the Zurich media images. Make sure you specify correctly the name of the image you want to display.

tags โ€‹

The tags attribute is used to set the tags of the action card.

The header attribute is used to set the header of the action card.

content โ€‹

The content attribute is used to set the content of the action card.

Action card content

button-text โ€‹

The button-text attribute is used to set the text of the button.

button-icon โ€‹

The button-icon attribute is used to set the icon of the button.

action-icon โ€‹

The action-icon attribute is used to set the icon of the action.

Playground โ€‹

Customization โ€‹

HTML Examples โ€‹

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/0.4.2/@zurich/web-components/styles.css" />
<script type="module" src="/0.4.2/@zurich/web-components/action-card.js"></script>
<z-action-card header="Title" image-src="/0.4.2/sample.png" content="Description"