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Dev Utils โ€‹



This package is still in design phase. But you can use it during the development.

The @zurich/dev-utils NPM package is a package wit JavaScript (TypesCript) and SCSS code that can help to improve the whole DX (Development Experience) and QA (Quality Assurance) processes when su are using the Zurich Design System.

Install โ€‹

The are two ways of installing the package:

Via CDN โ€‹

This is only for the Web CLI tooling. Simply import the script in the <head> of your HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <script type="module" src=""></script>

Local installation โ€‹

You can also install it locally and get access to the SCSS and all the tools provided. We need to install the package:

npm i -D @zurich/dev-utils

And then import the functionality in the context where is going to be used. Check each section to know about the imports.

Web CLI โ€‹


Do not use the Web CLI in production. This is only a tool for development and QA.

In order to use the Web CLI, we need to import it in the use context.

@import '@zurich/dev-utils/web-cli';

Once the import is done, you would be able to access the Web CLI just by opening the dev tools of the browser and opening the console. Then just type ZDS. and the list of available commands will appear:


The Web CLI is included in every page of this documentation, so you can play with it.

Functions โ€‹

This is the list of available function:

  • help: prints the help text.

  • Printers:

    • print: prints a content with the given styles.
    • printImage: prints in the console the image provided via param.
    • printCodeBlock: prints a code block in the console.
  • Inventory:

    • listCSSComponents: returns a list with the ZDS' CSS components in the document.
    • listWebComponents: returns a list with the ZDS' Web components in the document.
    • listAngularComponents: returns a list with the ZDS' Angular components in the document.
  • Report:

    • reportCSSComponents: elaborates a table of CSS components and helpers and their attributes.
    • reportWebComponents: elaborates a table of Web components and their attributes.

SCSS โ€‹

In order to use the SCSS functionality, we recommend to import the index.scss using @use:

@use "@zurich/dev-utils/src/SCSS/index.scss" as *;

SCSS Functions โ€‹

We offer functions to ease the development.

This is the list of available functions:

  • Operators:
    • @function if($condition, $if-value, $else-value): a regular tertiary operator.

SCSS Mixins โ€‹

We offer mixins to ease the development based on our foundations.

This is the list of available mixins:

  • Breakpoints:
    • desktop: a media query to use CSS only in desktop size.
    • landscape: a media query to use CSS only in landscape size.
    • landscapeOrSmaller: a media query to use CSS only in landscape or smaller sizes.
    • landscapeOrBigger: a media query to use CSS only in landscape or bigger sizes.
    • portrait: a media query to use CSS only in portrait size.
    • portraitOrSmaller: a media query to use CSS only in portrait or smaller sizes.
    • portraitOrBigger: a media query to use CSS only in portrait or bigger sizes.
    • mobile: a media query to use CSS only in mobile size.
    • portraitAndLandscape: a media query to use CSS only between portraitand landscape sizes.