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DateInput ⚠️ Experimental

The DateInput component can be used imported from:



The localization format of the input comes from the format settings of the client's operation system.



This component has events. Check the documentation about how to use the events.

changestringReturns the new value of the model
entervoidTriggered when "Enter" in pressed
restartedvoidEmitted on value reset
blurvoidEmitted on blur
validatedbooleanEmitted when the validation status changes


This component has slots. Check the documentation about how to use the slots.


Parameters use

Check the documentation about how to use the parameters.


The config parameter is used to set the shape of the input between lined and shaped. Being omitted will render the default shaped shape.


The label parameter is used to set the text label of the component. Make sure you always use it.

Can also use the label slot:

Date input



If you hardcode this value, it will not be reactive and the selection won't change. Use a variable instead and, ideally, a closed loop.

The model parameter is used to set the date for the input. Make sure you use a valid date format (ISO 8601)

as yyyy-mm-dd:


The help-text parameter is used to provide additional assistance to the user.

You can also use the help-text slot:

This is a help text


The range parameter is used to set the range of the input. It must be an array with two numbers. The first number is the minimum value and the second number is the maximum value.


Instead of using range we can use just min. This overrides the range value.


Instead of using range we can use just max. This overrides the range value.


The input-type parameter is used to set the type of input. Possible values are: date, month, datetime-local and week.


Firefox and Safari do not support type="month" nor type="week". For type="datetime-local" both don't show a time picker natively.

Check the datetime-local workaround for more details.


The name parameter is used to set the name of the component. This is useful when the component is part of a form.

locale ⚠️ Experimental

Check this documentation



The disabled parameter is used to block the interaction with the component. Not to be confused with readonly.


The readonly parameter is used to set the component as readonly.


The required parameter is used to set the component as required.

The default text adapts to the localization:

invalid ⚠️ Experimental

The invalid parameter is used to force the component to be invalid.

The default text adapts to the localization:

custom-ui ⚠️ Experimental

Ables the use of a custom date picker:

The calendar will adjust to the input:

If you use the custom-ui, you can also pass other Calendar modifiers like:



We can all the reset() method of the WebComponent in order to reset the value. This will clean the internal states and emit the nullable value with the change event, plus a restarted event:

In this example, the button triggers the method:

Value:  undefined

Special uses

datetime-local workaround

Since Firefox and Safari do not fully support the datetime-local input type, we can use the DateInput and TimeInput together to achieve almost the same result and then having independent controls:

Browser support

Detected engine:  

  • Chromium

  • Webkit

  • Gecko

HTML Examples

CodeSandbox example