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Date input

The DateInput component is a component that allows the user to select a date from a calendar. It is a text input that opens a calendar when clicked, allowing the user to select a date. The model uses the ISO 8601 format yyyy-mm-dd.


The component DateInput is available in the following technologies:

CSS Components
Web Components



Parameters are the attributes that can be used to customize the component when using it in a project. They apply to the WebComponents implementation and wrappers and to the Vue and React CSS implementations. Some parameters names change between the implementations, in order to follow the conventions of each technology and framework.

For example, the param model is named ngModel in Angular, modelValue in Vue, but stays as model in React.

By default, all the parameters are optional or can be set in different, except for the ones marked as required

The parametrization of the component can be done with the following custom params or properties:


The main parameter has two components following the pattern: <shape><?:size>.

  • shape: Establishes the styling of the input. Default value is line . Possible values are: shaped or line. ,
  • size: (optional) defines de size of the input. The default value is m, being omitted from the param. The possible values are: m or l. Check the sizes section.
labelstringLabel of the input
readonlybooleanTransforms the input into an output
autocompletestringAutomated assistance in filling out form field values

Value of the model


Blocks the interaction with the input component by using the disabled attribute of the HTML input element.


Marks the input component as required. If and interaction is made with the input and the value is nullable or empty, the input will be marked as invalid as using the invalid attribute.


Identification for the field inside the form.


The forced message to be shown under the input. It is used to give more information about the input, or a message to the user, specially when the input is invalid.


The attribute that forces the state of the input as invalid.


Type of input. Possible values are:

  • date: it will a date, without the day of the month as yyyy-mm-dd.
  • month: it will handle a shorter version of the date, without the day of the month as yyyy-mm.
  • datetime-localit will handle an extended version of the date including the time as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm following the ISO string format.
  • week: it will provide the year and the week number based on ISO 8601, where the format will be yyyy-Wnn

The locale parameter is used to set the locale of the component. The value must be part of the registered locales in ZDS. If not set, the default locale of the document will be used.

Have a look to the localization mechanisms.

custom-uibooleanUse custom UI for the date picker

A record of key-value pairs to set the CSS custom tokens. It's a complex attribute set as an JS object in stringified JSON format.


<z-date-input custom='{"fill":"#06e7a3"}' />

Check the available values in the customization section.


The stringified version of the custom property. It follows the pattern key:value;key:value;, with the possibility of setting multiple values and spaces between the punctuation characters.


<z-date-input custom-str="fill:#06e7a3" />

Sets the theme of the component. The possible values are light and dark.

<z-date-input z-theme="dark" />

From Figma to code




Check everything about the customization mechanics in the "How it works" documentation.

No customization tokens yet implemented for this component

