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Stage - CSS Component

The Stage component can be used imported from:



The CSS component uses a sectiontag with the z-stageHTML custom attribute.


The z-stage parameter is the main parameter used to render the stage component.

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Content goes here

The z-stage parameter accepts two modifiers, left and slim.


The left modifier is used to align the stage content to the left.

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Content goes here


The slim modifier is used to reduce the padding of the stage content.

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Content goes here


You can combine the left and slim modifiers to align the stage content to the left and reduce the padding. The pattern is config="left:slim".

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Content goes here

The content of the Stage component is customizable. Check the stage anatomy guidelines for more details.

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Also you can customize the background color of the stage component, using the --z-stage--bg CSS custom property.

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Browser support

Detected engine:  

  • Chromium

  • Webkit

  • Gecko

HTML Examples

CodeSandbox example