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Chips set

Th ChipsSet component is a -R-D (from CRUD) that allows read and delete operations from a list of chips. It is a set of chips that can be selected (introduced via model) and deselected (via the component). It a chips manager.

UX/UI Guidelines

Check the design documentation of the component in ZeroHeight.


The component ChipsSet is available in the following technologies:

Web Components



Parameters are the attributes that can be used to customize the component when using it in a project. They apply to the WebComponents implementation and wrappers and to the Vue and React CSS implementations. Some parameters names change between the implementations, in order to follow the conventions of each technology and framework.

For example, the param model is named ngModel in Angular, modelValue in Vue, but stays as model in React.

By default, all the parameters are optional or can be set in different, except for the ones marked as required

The parametrization of the component can be done with the following custom params or properties:

optionsobject[]List of options for the chips
configstringConfiguration of the chip set
modelstring[]Value of the selected chips
disabledbooleanDisables the input
readonlybooleanMakes the input read-only
requiredbooleanMakes the input required

A record of key-value pairs to set the CSS custom tokens. It's a complex attribute set as an JS object in stringified JSON format.


<z-chips-set custom='{"fill":"#06e7a3"}' />

The stringified version of the custom property. It follows the pattern key:value;key:value;, with the possibility of setting multiple values and spaces between the punctuation characters.


<z-chips-set custom-str="fill:#06e7a3" />

Sets the theme of the component. The possible values are light and dark.

<z-chips-set z-theme="dark" />

From Figma to code




Check everything about the customization mechanics in the "How it works" documentation.

CSS VariableTypeDescription
--z-chips-set--bgcolorBackground color for the lined type
--z-chips-set--bg--shapedcolorBackground color for the shaped type
--z-chips-set--gapdistanceGap between chips
--z-chips-set--paddingdistancePadding of the chips, inside the shaped type
--z-chips-set--radius--shapeddistanceBorder radius for shaped chips set.

The background color of the chips set can be customized using the --z-chips-set--bg or --z-chips-set--bg--shaped for shaped type.

You can also customize the gap between the chips using the --z-chips-set--gap CSS custom property.

And finally for the shaped type you can customize the padding and radius using the --z-chips-set--padding and --z-chips-set--radius--shaped CSS custom properties.

