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Checkbox group

Overview o Checkbox group

More options can be selected among the given ones (e.g. in a form), or nested checkbox, in which one checkbox present sub-elements (e.g. in a filter menu).

Read Checkbox inputs for further information on checkbox.

Writing guidelines

Group titles

Give a title to a group of checkboxes in case the content is not immediately self-explanatory.


Checkboxes always include a label. Although the length of the label can vary according to the context, always keep it concise and direct.

Capitalization and case

Write labels in sentence case and without punctuation.

Text overflow

In case of overflow, text wraps to another line.

Docs image
Tp align input and label
Docs image
Dont center align input and label



Anatomy of nested checkbox
  1. Checkbox group title (optional)
  2. Unselected checkbox
  3. Selected checkbox
  4. Helper text (optional)

Checkbox group - Nested elements

Anatomy of checkbox group
  1. Indeterminate checkbox
  2. Checkbox group title
  3. Selected checkbox
  4. Checkbox input label
  5. Unselected checkbox



Checkboxes group come with no default option selected. Unless differently specified, any number of options can be selected (none, one or multiple).

When grouped, checkboxes can be laid out vertically or horizontally. If you include a group title and helper text, use caption text style.

Docs image
Vertical group
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Horizontal group
Use caseAlignment
Vertical groupingIt is advised to stack checkboxes vertically for better readability.Leave a 16px spacing between each element of the group.
Horizontal groupingDepending on the case, checkboxes can be laid out horizontally.Leave a 32px space between each items.
Multiple columnsDepending on the case, items can span over two or three columns (e.g. in a checkbox group with several elements).Align columns to the grid.

Indeterminate checkbox

In checkbox group, checkbox can come in an additional state variant: Indeterminate. This is to be used when a checkbox contains nested checkboxes, some of which are selected, and some unselected.

indeterminate sate

For additional info about theme and styling, read Checkbox

Accessibility guidelines

Make sure there is enough contrast between selection controls color and the background.

For a more accessible experience:

  • Keep labels concise and direct.
    • Consider adding group titles and helper text to provide additional information. - Keep in mind that if you decide to not show the label, one is always needed in code anyway.
  • List option in a logical way.