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Heatmaps represent values as colors in a matrix. Each axis encodes a variable, and the color of the cell represents the value of the main variable.

You can use it to compare two variables and detect patterns and trends through color changes.


Usage guidelines

When to use

Questions you can answer

  • What's the distribution of this data set?
  • Are there any outliers?
  • Is there any trend in the data?
When not to use
  • If you want to see how a data set evolves over time, you can use a line chart.
  • If you want to compare variables, grouped bar charts provide more precise comparisons between cell values.
Usage recommendations
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Choose a color palette consistent with the data: usually, it will be a sequential palette, but it could be a divergent palette if there is a meaningful 0 point.
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Don't forget to include a legend. To be able to read the chart accurately, viewers need to know which values are associated with which color.
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Show values in cells to allow for a more precise comparison between cells.