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Progress bar - Web Component โ€‹

Browser support โ€‹

Detected engine: ย 

  • Chromium

  • Webkit

  • Gecko

Parameters โ€‹

The Web component uses the <z-progress-bar> tag:

The parametrization of the component can be done with the following custom HTML params:

valuenumberThe current value of the progress bar
stringThe configuration of the progress bar
stringThe title of the progress bar
stringThe caption of the progress bar
booleanRemoves the percentage indication

value โ€‹

The value parameter is the current value of the progress bar. It must be a number between 0 and 100.

config โ€‹

The config parameter is a string that defines the type and size of the progress bar. The pattern is <type>:<?size>.

  • The type modifier can be linear or round.
  • The size modifier is relative to the previous type modifier. The possible values for the linear type are s and m. The possible values for the round type are xs, s, m, l, and xl.

progress-bar-title โ€‹

The progress-bar-title parameter is a string that defines the title of the progress bar.

caption โ€‹

The caption parameter is a string that defines the caption of the progress bar.

status โ€‹

The status parameter is a string that defines the status of the progress bar. The possible values are highlight and error.

You can also customize the color of the progress bar using the --z-progress-bar--color and --z-progress-bar--track CSS custom properties, respectively.

Playground โ€‹

Customization โ€‹

HTML Examples โ€‹

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/0.4.5/@zurich/web-components/styles.css" />
<script type="module" src="/0.4.5/@zurich/web-components/progress-bar.js"></script>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>ZDS | Link Web Component example</title>

    <!-- #region imports -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/0.4.5/@zurich/web-components/styles.css" />
    <script type="module" src="/0.4.5/@zurich/web-components/progress-bar.js"></script>
    <!-- #endregion imports -->

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/0.4.5/examples/styles.css" />
    <script type="module" src="/0.4.5/examples/params-script.js"></script>

          <th>with caption</th>
          <th>small with caption</th>
              <z-progress-bar config="linear" progress-bar-title="Title" max="100" value="23">
              <z-progress-bar config="linear" progress-bar-title="Title" max="100" value="23" caption="Linear">
              <z-progress-bar config="linear:s" progress-bar-title="Title" max="100" value="23" caption="Linear">
              <z-progress-bar config="round" progress-bar-title="Title" max="100" value="23">
              <z-progress-bar config="round" progress-bar-title="Title" max="100" value="23" caption="Round">
              <z-progress-bar config="round:s" progress-bar-title="Title" max="100" value="23" caption="Round">
