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Button - CSS Component

Browser support


The CSS component uses a <button> tag with the z-button HTML custom attribute.


The z-button parameter will use the primary type as default, matching the primary type of the specifications.

There are four more types of buttons, secondary, negative, positive, and link

Both, background and foreground color can be customized using the --z-button--bg and --z-button--color custom tokens.

The z-button attribute has two more optional modifiers that can be applied in order after the type, using colon (:) as the separator: The pattern would be: <type><?:size><?:round>

  • The first modifier is size defines the size of the button. The value is m, being omitted from the parameter. The possible values for size are: xs, s or l. Check the size section.

  • The second modifier is round, that can receive the value round to implement a round styling to the button.

    This configuration is also applied by default if the button doesn't have text. For example, only having an icon:


Make sure the content of the round button it's short and concise. Best approach would be to use a simple call to action icon


The attribute icon it's useful to insert a specific CTA icon. Check the icon list here. This attribute will receive the name of the icon to be show. You can use both solid or outline version.


This attribute will display the icon on the right side of the text.


The attribute disabled will block the interaction with the component.


A loading indicator can be added to a button by setting the loading attribute.


The attribute wide it's used when the button it's expected to fill the whole width of the parent container.


Check a nice example of the component in vanilla HTML. Open the inspector or visualize the source code to fully understand how to use the component and/or play with it.



HTML Examples

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/0.3.7/@zurich/css-components/base.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/0.3.7/@zurich/design-tokens/Icons.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/0.3.7/@zurich/css-components/Button.css" />

<!-- For the example it's used the Medium size, make sure you try different sizes. 
  You can change z-button attribute using: "primary", "secondary", "negative", "positive", "alert" or "link" types, followed by the desired size-->
<button z-button="primary">Button</button>
<button z-button="primary" icon="edit:outline" icon-right>Button</button>
<button z-button="primary" icon="edit:outline">Button</button>
<button z-button="primary" loading>Button</button>
<button z-button="primary:round" icon="edit:outline"></button>