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Metric Progress โ€‹

import Do_1 from './assets/MetricProgress/Do1.svg'; import DoNot_1 from './assets/MetricProgress/Dont1.svg'; import Overview from './assets/MetricProgress/Overview.svg';

This chart is mostly used in dashboards, to show the progress of one or more indicators against their established targets. The chart plots the progress as a percentage, in the form of a bar chart or a donut chart.

You can add more information to the chart, such as the change percentage and the difference against the previous period.

The difference between a progress bar chart and a donut chart is in the space they take. Choosing one or the other is mostly an aesthetic decision.

Metric Progress

Usage guidelines โ€‹

When to use โ€‹

Questions you can answer

  • How much has been accomplished against a target?
  • How much is left before achieving the target?
When not to use โ€‹
  • Metric charts are a specialized subset of bar and donut charts. If you are not building a dashboard or if you want to compare more than 1 category, a bar chart or a donut chart may be more appropriate.
  • If you want to show the actual value of an indicator, use the KPI value component.
Usage recommendations โ€‹
Progress charts are most useful when using just one category
Don't present data without a reference point: percentage, target, trend icon