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Number โ€‹


Browser support โ€‹

Parameters โ€‹

The Web component uses the <z-number> tag:

The long option for square-* and cubic-* values is only supported for English locales.

The parametrization of the component can be done with the following custom HTML params:

valuenumberThe value to be displayed.
stringThe locale to be used. If not set, the default locale of the browser will be used.
stringThe unit to be displayed.
booleanThe number will be truncated.
booleanThe number will be displayed in a compact format.
numberThe number of decimals to be displayed.

value โ€‹

The value to be displayed as a number.

locale โ€‹

The locale to be used to format the number. If not set, the default locale of the browser will be used.

unit โ€‹

The unit to be displayed with the number.

truncate โ€‹

If set, the number will be truncated.

compact โ€‹

The number will be displayed in a compact format.

decimals โ€‹

The number of decimals to be displayed. If not set, the default number of decimals of the number will be used. The maximum number of decimals is 5.

Playground โ€‹

Customization โ€‹

HTML Examples โ€‹

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/0.4.3/@zurich/web-components/styles.css" />
<script type="module" src="/0.4.3/@zurich/web-components/number.js"></script>
<z-number value="1.23"></z-number>
<z-number value="-1.23"></z-number>
<z-number value="1.2345" decimals="1"></z-number>
<z-number value="1" decimals="3"></z-number>
<z-number value="12345.65" locale="es"></z-number>
<z-number value="12345.65" compact></z-number>
<z-number value="45.65" truncate></z-number>
<z-number value="5.65" unit="hour"></z-number>
<z-number value="6.78" unit="square-meter" locale="es"></z-number>